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well okay good morning everybody so today my uh topic is on the
comparison of contact and non contact after sound examination of hand
so that's i i'll just another fee has been widely used in many emergency evaluations
and the fact is that uh when g. s. was in pediatrics factors
however the rate of uptake in hand surgery outpatient clinical
setting has been low despite its good fifty profile
so so on a graphic evaluation of the hands and feet requires a high resolution ultrasound
in addition the curve surface of hand results in some optimal contact between the transducer and the skin
suppressing the pro on in an on inject tissue also causes significant discomfort on the
patient and using an ample amount of gel has also not been satisfactory
so what about techniques uh s. ultrasound waves are able to transmit through walls that
uh what about i'll just sounds that eliminates the challenges of skin pro contact issues with ultrasound
so this is how the setup of our study is so the containers still
with three quarters of water which can mess about how awful on
the volunteers hand is a message to the what the bar with the part of it had
to be in age a few centimetres about forty five c. m. beneath the water service
and it's getting this done using probes operating frequency contented top hat
place that bring distance from schemes that this at a distance of wanted to see em was
found to get a satisfactory non contact niche the study images but then record it
for the staffing in h. identification we actually used twenty five hand surgeons and a photograph
of the pro orientation accompany each image of the contact versus non contact method
that surgeons were then asked to identify and outline the structures
and the results were correlated for inter rater reliability
this is an example of the first also into recite apart we do the ultrasound so the
process place about wanted to see i'm from the best also interested in what the bar
and er non contact ultrasound as you can see the uh the structure can be clearly
did you need to but as for the job pro the structures visibly effect and
on statistical advice we use the inter class correlation coefficient i see three
to correlate the rate of accurate identification of four different structures
the high value show us that more people can accurately identified at the f. zero point eight six
and a little value shows the opposite as zero point three two for the hypo tina and in and
the p. s. that but to show us more before mobile this more difficult to recognise it with the contact group technique
the high i think the values for will to bar versus job put technique
shows that structure recognition is that uh with the what about it
moving on to discussion
uptake of diagnostic ultrasound in clinical hand surgery has been slow in a number
of events can be identified base so the plot contacted transducers are conscious
some of the reasons to restrict ultrasound evaluation about about technique overcomes these limitations
and the reason that a static ultrasound images to knock to the bucket anatomical concept
maybe partly due to the soft tissue distortion that accompanies the use of a handheld pro and joe
this study illustrates the ability of the bar contact what about technique
to produce high resolution images into the go to image can be a hand regions
either identification of structured and i told him she was greatly facilitated by dynamic movement
advantages of the what about technique of internal structures are not distorted by
external pressure and it's dead for easier to understand anatomical relationships
so what about let the conclusion is that he's of anatomical identification i can be
useful to dynamic studies and they used to be considered in outpatient clinical setting
the sunlight acknowledgements

Conference Program

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