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alright so the second sock uh about into fragmentary motion escape which direction for d. c. t. imaging
uh first in short a script which structure a ten percent guesses to skate with mine union and we all
know the factors are associated with the development work let's buy faction displacement structure instability in part in speech
but especially this fracture instability it's kind of
difficult to assess instability on setting imaging
uh and therefore with for d. c. t. we can know analyst is in v. phone
and therefore we started a trial a prospective trial which we include patient with
one side escape with non union we hadn't been operated on one
um and we looked at the position of the fracture line 'cause it's stated in nature that if the position of the fracture
line once this all to the door so apex of this k.
for it you would have a in stable skateboard fragments
and if it runs proximal to the doors apex of the skateboard uh you
would have more uh you would have less motion between the two fragment
therefore the purpose of this research was to one to five it's cable track
instability depends on the position of the fracture line relative to this eight
what we get is a week as i told include patient first
uh the lady a prone position would have extended forward
in this positioning device we scan with if it is really c. t. scan em first take a step they uh
a three d. c. t. high resolution scan then we that they should move to release in ten seconds
from extension to flexion or from radio to only mission uh in which they tried to move show
then from this data uh we started process paul segmentation so from the high resolution spam uh we
can uh make word outlines of the bones and then you get a new entry particles
then you fit is ball gowns into the forty nine frames these are approximately four hours a third time right
um and then when you fit them uh we evaluate our research and uh
we have neck received two meeting your translation in one degree rotation
then what do we do we look at the red motion of the digital fragment to the proximal fragment
uh as shown here and this is expressed in the morning system i'm just talking about
uh that till now include eleven patients for patients with fractional i'm proximal to da
act and stuff and patient with the fraction line does not escape it
um then yeah those
it's it's so here you see uh the motion of the diesel fragment relative to the proximal fragment
and you see you have a very working stable with a lot of motion between effect and
such as this one but you also see that some have relatively little motion as here
but you can also one five is so that's what we get um and i will take you through this prof of what
you see here on the y. axes is the amount of fragment rotation from the this effect into the proximal fragment
on the x. axis you see the global wrist motion uh and we use the kept its motion as clovis motion
the minus is a extra zero neutral to flexion the red hot spots are those with the french line
distilled escape with apex and the blue box but also to the proximal a fraction approximately eight that
you seen extension that uh from extension to zero uh there's not
that big difference but if you move from zero to flexion
it seems like that of those with the fracture line distal to the apex open up more and there's more motion
however you see that that intervals of these box plots are very wild
uh and we did not find any statistically significant differences yes
uh there for for now we say that it's pretty still patients specific you
cannot say that if defection lines on this so it's always been stable
uh and we also like to say that for e. c. t. scanning is accurate

Conference Program

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