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huh good morning no first of all thank you for giving me this uh over to the the person my episodes
uh and so on only sequence a moderate uh in the
early limited second somali in a suspected sacrifice liked us
so we have a protocol uh you know hospital uh for scuffed
white uh factors we've just seen a for cindy need
uh well uh they take the x. a. s. catholic views and it just aspect discussed quite fracture they
refer to the basic reason the billable slab under for the vision to the automatic factor clinic
does the obvious confide facts uh the bases place and a billable cost and then refer to the clinic
uh in the clinic uh the x. rays uh taken from genie out uh the view uh and the patients clinically assessed
uh and plus various um no suspicion of us go for it fractured
uh then it goes to uh the hand videos automatically this shows
if the the clinical suspicion uh then i and there's no obvious evidence on the x. ray
then we send the patient for the same they ask if i'm a factor protocol a moderate
and uh the patient is akin to view a one week later with the results uh and the report of the my scam
uh we know that uh the clinical assessment of us confide structure that's uh
has been described quite a lot uh includes an upbringing stuff out a tenderness a
scuffle cubicle tenderness and uh the axial a combination of the time uh
and all of them to get the uh still has not only space for the day of a seventy five percentage
and um then the study was sure that the indians n. c. d. and that's that's the of these uh pass
uh we know that they need to later grabs a detect only eighty to eighty five
to ninety percent of the factors and ten to fifteen can be uh can
there's been studies uh using m. i. with a show on that uh
they help in detecting the fact is there yet and uh help indicating the management costs
so uh in my study uh the patients but uh that waterford
but that's of figures graphite factors about identified from being eraser
a little bit of one yeah and uh the l. tonic patient record system was uh
use join the fray and uh go to the clinical details and am i scans
uh the limited to give them a they involve only d. t. one a sequence images including the still images
uh at the benefit of this as an that too early in the kernel uh planes
uh the benefit is is that much a shorter time but it and uh lately just take six minutes for them to do this can
uh and they're given fifteen minutes lots so you can fit in on a day to day basis a few extra ones
uh the the sun so we had a total of three sixes patients were for suspected factors
and uh more to the most seen within eight days a little sixty watt in scene
and uh these were the initial clinical diagnosis so forty of them but uh it's quite factors and
i would take a sites well one hundred and seventeen of them are suspect it's quite factors
uh there are also other uh multiple injuries adjusts all of us efforts factors
uh off the amount i uh of the vision when for the m. i. scans a double
six patients were local this just in various factors six had a local scuff white factors
and nineteen patients i born bruises in the other the other couple bones
and uh the others but of non format because although forty nominations
now the with regard to the bone growth that are for patients to ask avoid bone bruising
a seven it should be simple browsing for with other multiple a couple one process
uh these are some of the media's from the uh uh uh from from
a study of the lawn patient with the suspect my courses or something
so that was one with the distillate is like the this one had a local famished
like the scene on the other image and this one had a void born both
station did not have that perspective really look at mimi there's a line that
but it was picked a very well on the uh i my scan
the one page and where the uh miss fact areas related i don't in the same exodus uh initially seen
a though no complications that none of the factors will miss him informing liberation full now almost two years
at the part about had been reducing the overall clinical visits uh by uh the
ones that didn't have the portable that leaves it by the one that uh
with the protocol early to is it's and there's no change in the number of video is it
uh to conclude uh the mouth and a debate is other injuries uh which
otherwise would have gone and looked at the top with just a base
uh the media number of clinical visits but less and we need to for the study uh regarding
the clinical significance of p. e. a multiple bottles of that you're picking up the amount images

Conference Program

A-0267 Carpal Alignment: A New Method for Assessment
C.A. Selles 1, L. Ras 1, M.M.J. Walenkamp 1, M. Maas 2, J.C. Goslings 1, N.W.L. Schep 3, 1 Trauma Unit, Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 2 Department of Radiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 3 Department of Trauma and Hand Surgery, Maasstad Hospital, Rotterdam, the Netherland
June 14, 2018 · 7:59 a.m.
A-1076 The scapholunate gap increases with forearm supination. A laboratory study.
Mireia Esplugas 1, Guillem Salvà-Coll 2,3, Marc Garcia-Elias 4, Alex Lluch-Bergadà 4,5, Manuel Llusá-Pérez 6, Spain
June 14, 2018 · 8:07 a.m.
A-0047 How Reliable is the Radiographic Diagnosis of Mild Madelung Deformity?
Sebastian Farr 1, Thierry G. Guitton 2, David Ring 3, Science of Variation Group, 1 Orthopedic Hospital Speising, Vienna, Austria; 2 University Medical Center, Groningen, The Netherlands; 3 Dell Medical School - The University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA
June 14, 2018 · 8:17 a.m.
A-0206 Comparison of Contact and Non-contact Ultrasound Examination of the Hand
Rebecca Lim 1, Chin Shu Ting 2, Chan Kai Li 2, Abby Choke 1, Tay Shian Chao 1,2, Duncan Angus McGrouther 1,2, 1 Department of Hand Surgery, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore; 2 Biomechanics Laboratory, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
June 14, 2018 · 8:25 a.m.
A-0876 Diagnosis of hand and forearm fractures in whole body CT after polytrauma
Friederike Mu?nn 1, Andreas Eisenschenk 1,2, Martin Lautenbach 3, Tobias Topp 3, Simon Kim 1, Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, Germany; 2 Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, Germany; 3 Krankenhaus Waldfriede Berlin, Germany
June 14, 2018 · 8:40 a.m.
A-0630 Assessment of scaphoid fracture patterns using a 3D-CT model
Gernot Schmidle, Rohit Arora, Markus Gabl, Department for Trauma Surgery, Medical University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
June 14, 2018 · 8:48 a.m.
A-1113 CT-scans alter treatment in 33% of scaphoid fractures deemed undisplaced by conventional x-rays
Johannes Heindl 1, Jesper Sonntag 2, Per Rasmussen 2, Per Hølmer 2, Birgit Waschulzik 3, Claus Hjorth Jensen 4, Anders Klahn 2, 1 Lakumed Clinic Landshut-Achdorf, Germany; 2 Nordsjaellands Hospital, Hillerød, Denmark; 3 Institute of Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology, Munich, Germany; 4 Herlev-Gentofte University Hospital of Copenhagen, Denmark
June 14, 2018 · 8:58 a.m.
A-0766 Toward standardization of an anatomical coordinate system for the radius in 3D imaging: reliability of automatic and manual placement
Marieke GA de Roo 1,2, Johannes GG Dobbe 2, Geert J Streekstra 2, Simon D Strackee 1, Academic Medical Center (AMC), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
June 14, 2018 · 9:06 a.m.
A-0759 Analysis of interfragmentary motion in scaphoid fractures by 4-dimensional computed tomographic imaging
Marieke GA de Roo 1,2, Johannes GG Dobbe 2, Geert J Streekstra 2, Simon D Strackee 1, Academic Medical Center (AMC), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
June 14, 2018 · 9:16 a.m.
A-0998 Dynamic MRI at 3T can determine the viability of the lunate bone in patients with Kienböck’s disease
Anders Björkman 1, Sven Månsson 2, Markus F. Mu?ller 3, Martin Johansson 4, Gunilla Mu?ller 3, Departments of 1 Hand Surgery, 2 Medical Radiation Physics, 3 Radiology and 4 Pathology Department of Translational Medicine (1-4), Lund University, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden
June 14, 2018 · 9:42 a.m.