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could good morning ladies times more thank you for this opportunity the purpose of
my research was to investigate the value of what the computer to mccarthy
the diagnosis of factors that handful on input from patients
despite advances in the treatment and diagnosis of that for apollo trauma
patients the future reveals many missed injuries of the upper extremity
yeah i'm regarded by many radiologists and emergency physicians mainly as an obstacle
next the body they may cause artifacts in the abdominal region when trying to win um
doing the analysis of this region and just can increase the radiation exposure
however when positioned above had this this time consuming and
it can be
due to technical or inter related reasons it's possibly not
advisable or possible to relocate though the homes
so we ask ourselves why not use it c. t. to look for injuries of the
hand before i'm wendy already positioned next to the body and visible and scan field
for this into level trauma centres we reviewed the charts and diagnostic procedures of
patient that had a little body c. t. g. g. s. imported from
and by centres the single pass the t. would be performed with the arms alongside
the body and the c. t. would always prefer from prior to x. ray
we chose integrated patient for the study because
for this late diagnosis on novices because conscious patients might be able to tell pain
but i have two thousand eight hundred and twenty six patients who received the whole body city two thousand
three hundred and wonder integrated at the integrated patients ninety nine were in did not have strong history
so in in the end could include four hundred and twenty six integrated ventilated patients with the troll after drum
fifteen point five percent of these patients had fractures of the hand will form
the sixty six patients had a total of one hundred and thirty two directors amongst them
seventy four percent of these factors were visible i mentioned in the initial c. t. report
a quarter of these are you diagnose fractures were actually it not with clinical suspicion
however conclusive specials factors were significantly more often reported
in the dark in the city report
we retrospective review c. t. scans of patients related diagnosed with fractures
of the hand forum and found that out of thirty four fractures twenty one were visible in the initial c. t.
but there's thirty four fractures
um the first part and one hour after the c. t.
eleven factors were diagnosed with by its right and for the seven within the first
twenty four hours optics were up does the c. t. t. h. x. ray
taking this as a cot well for nine percent of the hand and one factors were too late
i'd like to mention that it here
the latest fractures that word i use those bikes right we're actually visible
in this for in the initial c. t. worry retrospective review to
so to conclude in unconscious patients eight seven eighty seven point one
percent of the factors were found within twenty four hours
a little body c. t. ever at nineteen point nine percent
of the faxes could've been detected in the initial scan
clinical assessment and additional x. ray examinations on the clinical suspicious
could've increased to detect right up to ninety five percent
um even at regular just might be open but this obvious statement i'd like to stress that
it included in the examination field hands and forearms should surely be reviewed
some factors were not fully included and scanned feels
and that's improving but look at the the placement of the
hands could for the increase this the detection rate
we're currently examining the potential and the influence of
hand positioning unlike like diagnosis and analysing the

Conference Program

A-0267 Carpal Alignment: A New Method for Assessment
C.A. Selles 1, L. Ras 1, M.M.J. Walenkamp 1, M. Maas 2, J.C. Goslings 1, N.W.L. Schep 3, 1 Trauma Unit, Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 2 Department of Radiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 3 Department of Trauma and Hand Surgery, Maasstad Hospital, Rotterdam, the Netherland
June 14, 2018 · 7:59 a.m.
A-1076 The scapholunate gap increases with forearm supination. A laboratory study.
Mireia Esplugas 1, Guillem Salvà-Coll 2,3, Marc Garcia-Elias 4, Alex Lluch-Bergadà 4,5, Manuel Llusá-Pérez 6, Spain
June 14, 2018 · 8:07 a.m.
A-0047 How Reliable is the Radiographic Diagnosis of Mild Madelung Deformity?
Sebastian Farr 1, Thierry G. Guitton 2, David Ring 3, Science of Variation Group, 1 Orthopedic Hospital Speising, Vienna, Austria; 2 University Medical Center, Groningen, The Netherlands; 3 Dell Medical School - The University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA
June 14, 2018 · 8:17 a.m.
A-0206 Comparison of Contact and Non-contact Ultrasound Examination of the Hand
Rebecca Lim 1, Chin Shu Ting 2, Chan Kai Li 2, Abby Choke 1, Tay Shian Chao 1,2, Duncan Angus McGrouther 1,2, 1 Department of Hand Surgery, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore; 2 Biomechanics Laboratory, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
June 14, 2018 · 8:25 a.m.
A-0876 Diagnosis of hand and forearm fractures in whole body CT after polytrauma
Friederike Mu?nn 1, Andreas Eisenschenk 1,2, Martin Lautenbach 3, Tobias Topp 3, Simon Kim 1, Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, Germany; 2 Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, Germany; 3 Krankenhaus Waldfriede Berlin, Germany
June 14, 2018 · 8:40 a.m.
A-0630 Assessment of scaphoid fracture patterns using a 3D-CT model
Gernot Schmidle, Rohit Arora, Markus Gabl, Department for Trauma Surgery, Medical University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
June 14, 2018 · 8:48 a.m.
A-1113 CT-scans alter treatment in 33% of scaphoid fractures deemed undisplaced by conventional x-rays
Johannes Heindl 1, Jesper Sonntag 2, Per Rasmussen 2, Per Hølmer 2, Birgit Waschulzik 3, Claus Hjorth Jensen 4, Anders Klahn 2, 1 Lakumed Clinic Landshut-Achdorf, Germany; 2 Nordsjaellands Hospital, Hillerød, Denmark; 3 Institute of Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology, Munich, Germany; 4 Herlev-Gentofte University Hospital of Copenhagen, Denmark
June 14, 2018 · 8:58 a.m.
A-0766 Toward standardization of an anatomical coordinate system for the radius in 3D imaging: reliability of automatic and manual placement
Marieke GA de Roo 1,2, Johannes GG Dobbe 2, Geert J Streekstra 2, Simon D Strackee 1, Academic Medical Center (AMC), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
June 14, 2018 · 9:06 a.m.
A-0759 Analysis of interfragmentary motion in scaphoid fractures by 4-dimensional computed tomographic imaging
Marieke GA de Roo 1,2, Johannes GG Dobbe 2, Geert J Streekstra 2, Simon D Strackee 1, Academic Medical Center (AMC), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
June 14, 2018 · 9:16 a.m.
A-0998 Dynamic MRI at 3T can determine the viability of the lunate bone in patients with Kienböck’s disease
Anders Björkman 1, Sven Månsson 2, Markus F. Mu?ller 3, Martin Johansson 4, Gunilla Mu?ller 3, Departments of 1 Hand Surgery, 2 Medical Radiation Physics, 3 Radiology and 4 Pathology Department of Translational Medicine (1-4), Lund University, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden
June 14, 2018 · 9:42 a.m.