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missus sherman and dick leaks are happy not to talk about three d. scaffold fracture assessment
after some background information about talk about our researches topic with the first study being
a study 'cause comparing the ability of two d. and three d. imaging
to an alliance sky a stability to know lice big tele t. and the fact that happens as a whole
and the second study concerning with mel rotation of discomfort and mainly it's clinical relevance
so what is our main goal our main goal is to tax discovery to heal and in the best
case in an atomic position to avoid to long term consequences of pasta try to some pain
and for that we need the imaging to really display the truth of the fracture
the truth that we uh long to use for our indications for surgery
and also to achieve then the favourably results we long for
what is to the imaging able to do to the imaging gives us very good information
about capping it gives of information about mel alignment in second so increment line
it misses some fractal patterns it's not the complete picture as
discovered itself is a three dimensional um uh stuff
so the three d. imaging gives us now this ability to see all the fracture pens to
penalise it very easy and fast without a lot of training maybe even and especially
some parents liked rotational mel alignment this certain mention of no
positioning is only visible in these three d. imaging methods
so as a clinician i want to know which kind of imaging modality do i need to get the information necessary
and for that we compare the sixty nine consecutive patients um fit with
a forty five fractures in twenty four non unions in their ability
to distinguish exactly those parameters and we started with the fact you
get with the two d. c. t. b. no reference then
and we saw that uh only forty nine percent of the x. rays were really getting it's the same information as
to to d. c. t. so there was a gap of agreement more than in the three d. city
but when we look at it threshold clinical relevant threshold that we use for the case
surgery it was that lead it's one and the treatment in only
eight point seven percent or two point nine percent respectively
over treatment um as a surgeon is never a problem we treat it so
fracture location now reviewed of with this three d. c. t. s. a reference
standard showed that again the x. rays that's the worst agreement rates
and it was especially true when the when more than one so it's involved in in the factor
and when there was an involvement of the critical proximal poll so for these cases x-rays just not helpful
and the part of the analysis of a three d. excels is when
we go for the fact of course for the fractal plane
that we see you know good uh agreement not needed for the x. rays no for the to the city
and we see the coral plane being in fifty percent utterance was practically
and in the secular plane we see in over seventy percent of the cases that
the fractures nasty buttons thirty degrees and this is clinically valid rather relevant
because the steeper dangle the harder it is to fix was the single screw it on the central axis
one part we also ready this d. s. l. ligament um and especially that also attachment of it
because as long as we have a soft tissue attachment to our proximal fragment
some plots applies likely and we uh distinguished in in three regions
the red rabbit we have a complete connection we have the red white and
red uh and the white white somewhere there's possible on no connection
and we saw that the fractures uh mainly the red rats and the non unions mainly in the red white and white white sounds
i mean i'll go for the meditation uh we did a study
in saudi seven patients but we analysed notation compared it
to the treatment modality that we applied and to bone healing fracture h.
we saw that the cases we treat its operative to operate to flee
or that we treated conservatively but much lower no alignment rate
and those that we could not we construct anymore so it somehow seems to be a measure of instability
when we look for um and uh the healing rate itself it gives descriptive this the yeah distinguishing
but the at the end uh two two little numbers to really give us significant values
that's another case when we talk about factor age we saw
that non unions have significantly higher rates of mel rotation
so somehow to some extent it seems to be a part of the normal staff with a nonunion history
but also fifteen percent of the prime rib fractures had not rotation of more than five degrees
so to sum it up to somehow information um a three d. analyses gives us additional information that is it
specially relevant when we go for treatment planning for pretty
operative planning how to use our an implant
and especially information about the fact of clean and its relation to anatomical relevant landmarks
can give us additional information on stability but also on the vitality of the fragments
and meditation is quite frequent and this frequency makes it's
um more likely that we should address it
to restore scaffold anatomy and so possible couple alignment

Conference Program

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